NOURISHING WHOLEFOODS Immune Booster Bone Broth 900mL

$21.95 each


Nourishing Wholefoods immune booster broth is slow cooked for 24 hours and made with chemical free pastured chicken, turmeric, ginger and lemon. It is delicious and rich in bio-available minerals that are the building blocks of our bodies and collagen fibres that support gut health. Add a spoonful to any meal, use it as a stock for making nourishing soups, stews and sauces or simply heat it up and drink from your favourite cup (you can also add a bit of kimchi for a spicy, salty and sour pick me up!).


free-range chicken bones (sourced from small-scale local farms), filtered rain water, organic lemon, organic ginger, organic turmeric, organic apple cider vinegar, Australian sun-dried macrobiotic sea salt, love & respect.