Barambah Organics Org Full Cream Milk 2L

$6.25 each


Brisbane based Barambah Organics organic milk is undisputedly the best tasting milk. This isn't just an ambit claim. A panel of notable Foodies was put together in Sydney by a journalist for the Sydney Morning Herald in April, 2005 and they compared a number of different dairy products froma number of different dairy companies. They believed that Barambah milk and yoghurt were the stand-out products available in Sydney. At HomeFresh Organics we often have people comment that Barambah tastes like real milk! Being certified organic Barambah milk is produced without the use of pesticides, herbicides, hormones or antibiotics. Barambah Organics organic milk comes in three varieties -full cream, light, and skim . The organic milk is unhomogenised which means that they have kept the milk in its most natural state. Homogenisation is where the cream is blasted into fine particles to give the milk a more uniform appearance. With Barambah's milk the cream collects on the top which is what it should do. If you prefer it mixed through just shake the bottle.

Place of origin
