Market Organics Medium Fruit and Vegetable Box 1pk

$75.00 each $75.00 per box


Our medium custom box contains only 100% certified organic fruits and vegetables. In this box, you will receive a total of 15 produce selections from the set list below. You will find the approximate weight and portion of each selection listed alongside the item. Each week we provide you with a list of seasonal produce to choose from! We are passionate about buying only the highest quality, local, seasonal and Australian grown produce. Seasonal produce is subject to availability so please check the list every week for updates. This weeks box includes: Set List (15 Selections) Potato Sebago [800g] Pumpkin Jap [500g] Brown Onion [500g] Beetroot [500g] Cucumber Lebanese [500g] Orange Navel [3-4] Tomato Round [3-4] Apple Gala [3-4] Lettuce Cos [1] Banana Cavendish [3-4] Leek [2] Broccoli [500g] Grapefruit [1-2] Zucchini [500g] Bok Choi [1] Substitutions Fennel Bulb [1] Ginger [150g] Sweet Corn [2] Capsicum Coloured [1] Avocado [1-2] Cabbage Drumhead [Half] Chillies [125g] Garlic Purple/White Bulb [1]

Place of origin


Country of origin